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Autumn Renewal

Mon, Oct 7, 8 am - Wed, Oct 9, 2 pm at Prothro Retreat Center

All senior adults are invited to the annual "Autumn Renewal" Prothro Event! Enjoy three days of spiritually renewing worship and music, fun fellowship, and relaxation on Lake Texoma in Pottsboro.

The theme this year is "Old Time Camp Meeting." Rev. Scot Bontrager will be our featured preacher in the evenings. Dr. Josh Fitzpatrick and Shandon Klein will participate in morning devotions. The time is also filled with beautiful music led by Rev. Fred Treviño.

The cost is $225 per person for three days and two nights lodging and meals. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Desk or from Betty Nickell at 214.505.5535.

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