Youth Summer Trips
Each summer FUMCR youth participate in junior high and senior high mission trips, plus a back-to-school retreat called Really Living.
Senior High Mission Trip • June 10-15 • REGISTER by June 1
Rising 9th-12th graders and graduating seniors are invited to travel to south Texas to assist with hurricane recovery.
Cost: $250, includes meals on work days
Junior High Mission Trip • July 2-6 • REGISTER by June 1
Rising 7th and 8th graders are invited to travel to south Texas to assist with hurricane recovery.
Cost: $250, includes meals on work days
Senior International Mission Trip • July 15-22 • REGISTER & pay $350 deposit by March 30
Graduating seniors are invited to participate in an international mission trip to Punta Delgadita, Panama. We will work alongside two United Methodist missionaries stationed there, as well as spend some time on the beach and explore Panama City! The trip is only open to active seniors. Space is limited to 15 people.
Cost: $1500
Really Living Retreat • August 17-19 • REGISTER by Aug 3
Rising 7th –12th grade youth will go to Sky Ranch in Van, TX, for fun, fellowship, and worship planned by the Class of 2019. This is a great way to kick off the new school year!
Cost: $165