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Garden Ministry Fall Plant Sale

Orders taken Sept 29 - Oct 13
Pick up plants Oct 19, 9-11 am, at First Center

Plants are direct from the grower. Proceeds benefit Garden Ministry's efforts to provide fresh produce to Network of Community Ministries and beautify our campus.

Plants Available:

  •  Colossus Pansies - rose, red, yellow, deep blue, purple, ocean, white, mixed
  •  Delta (solid) Pansies - rose, red, orange, yellow, true blue, jewel mix, white, coolwater, mixed
  •  Violas - orange, blue, citrus mix, mix
  •  Dianthus - mix
  •  Kale - nagoya red, nagoya white, redbor, peacock red, peacock white

Payment due with orders. No exceptions.

Return PAPER ORDER FORM to Welcome Desk or ORDER ONLINE.
Deadline to order: Oct 13


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