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Confirmation for Youth

This year, we want to give youth who were not previously able to go through confirmation an opportunity to do so. Confirmation is a series of classes where we teach what and why we believe as Christians. It is also a time to confirm one’s baptism or be baptized for the first time.

The classes will take place over 8 weeks at 11 am on Sunday mornings. There is a confirmation orientation and parent meeting on January 24 at 11 am. Classes will take place on January 31, February 14 and 21, March 13 and 20, and April 10, 17, and 24. Confirmation rehearsal is April 28 at 7 pm and the service is April 30 at 4:30 pm. We were intentional about scheduling classes around Sunday school, choir rehearsals, and other youth activities, so youth can still remain involved in these activities.

Please register your youth for this opportunity online by December 6.

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