Jul 01

Freedom's Great! My Friends Like Jail Too

Hands on jail bars

Image courtesy of meepoohfoto at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Lots of my friends will celebrate freedom this weekend. A few of them also get excited about going to jail.

A few years ago I received an excited e-mail from a friend telling me about an event she was going to on the weekend. The e-mail concluded with the line “I might get arrested!” More recently I was talking with another friend that was excited, because in the fall he’s going to a prison he’s never been to before, one where “they had a riot a while back, and someone died.”

My first friend was headed to a non-violent protest about an issue related to social justice. She desperately wanted others to notice the injustice she saw, and getting arrested would have been a clear sign that she had gotten someone’s attention. I don’t think she ended up in jail that weekend, but I’m pretty sure it’s still one of her goals.

My second friend belongs to the Kairos prison ministry. They go into prisons over weekends and share their faith with inmates. They and prison administrators have seen the positive impact that Kairos makes, so everyone is excited about going into a new prison, especially one with an acute need for something positive.

The gospel of John emphasizes that everything Jesus did, he did by choice for the sake of others, including getting arrested. Free to do anything, he chose to do things that helped others no matter the personal cost.

This Independence Day weekend I’m thanking God for the freedoms I enjoy in the United States. I’m remembering that people gave their lives to secure those freedoms for others. I’m remembering Jesus and my friends that follow him, who freely choose to help others even at cost to themselves. And I’m looking for ways to be more like them.

This weekend I’ll also be exercising my freedom to assemble with others and worship God. I hope you’ll join me! Access will meet at 11:00 a.m. in Mays Hall at First UMC Richardson.

Have a great weekend!

In Christ,

 Rich Rindfuss
Rich Rindfuss
Access Pastor
First United Methodist Church Richardson

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