Nov 04

Election Next Week - It'll Be Ok

election2016At multiple points during this year’s presidential campaign I’ve found myself feeling like the little boy whose voice was caught on video when one of the nominees visited his classroom: “I’m nervous. I’m nervous. I’m nervous.” News reports about both major candidates continue to make me nervous; however, I also keep reminding myself of several things from the Bible that assure me, it’ll be ok.


Jesus was more interested in church leadership than government leadership

Jesus apparently felt little need for political support in accomplishing his goals. He didn’t bother advocating policy to King Herod or the Roman governor, Pilate, when he appeared before them. When he talked to religious leaders he focused on topics like lowering barriers to worship and expanding opportunities to do good. Even when asked about tax policy, Jesus pivoted to spiritual commitment. Recalling Jesus’ lack of need for political support to accomplish his goals reassures me that whichever candidate we elect president, it’ll be ok.


We have dual citizenship

Jesus taught that his followers are residents of the Kingdom of God no matter where they happen to be living. The political entity in which they lived could fall to another nation as Israel did to Rome, could turn violently against them as Rome did under Nero, or could give them special status as Rome did under Constantine. Their earthly nation could change beyond recognition, yet they would be ok, because their primary citizenship was in the Kingdom of God. I’ve heard talk this election cycle that one candidate or the other will bring an end to the country as we know it if elected. I doubt that will happen, but even if it does, I recall that I belong first and foremost to the eternal Kingdom of God, and because of that, it’ll be ok.


We’re electing a president not a savior

I want what the Bible describes as shalom for myself, for my country, and for the world. It means peace, wholeness, and wellbeing and is one way of expressing what salvation looks like. The Bible teaches that only God can give true shalom. When I remember to look to God to save the world rather than to a political leader I become more honest about the limits of any human leader, recognize more clearly that human shalom-building is a team effort needing my participation, and gain assurance that if an elected leader isn’t my idea of a savior, it’ll be ok.


By this time next week we should know the identity of our next president. I’m nervous. But I’m also assured. It’ll be ok.

In Christ,

Rich Rindfuss
Rich Rindfuss
Access Pastor
First United Methodist Church Richardson

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