Oct 13

Take this, negative news!

We live in a world where bad things happen and people talk about them. News stories and social media feeds fill up with the negative news of the day. Sadly, all that negative news crowds out the often more numerous instances of good news. But this week I received some really good news about hurricane relief efforts. So take this, negative news. Things are about to get positive…

In Access we believe in the importance of a #MoreThanSunday kind of faith. That's why we study the scriptures and serve our neighbors through Group Life groups. It's why we partner with local elementary schools. And it's why I was making calls this week to see if the Access congregation could provide "flood buckets" to UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Flood buckets are 5-gallon buckets filled with supplies that help victims of flooding clean their homes.

When I reached out, though, I discovered some truly good news: UMCOR has more flood buckets than they can use right now. For the past month individuals and churches around the nation have been sending flood buckets to the UMCOR regional warehouse in Louisiana, and it's full! Not only that, churches around the region report that they have more buckets ready to deliver as soon as UMCOR can receive them. Behind this flood bucket abundance are thousands of people moved by God's spirit of compassion and generosity to help people they'll likely never even meet.

With the flood bucket need filled for the time being, I'd like to introduce you to Ark House, a different, local ministry where we can practice our #MoreThanSunday faith. Begun by our church around 30 years ago, Ark House provides temporary, low-cost housing for people that have traveled to the Dallas area for extended medical treatment. Between now and Thanksgiving, I'd like your help in donating new items for the Ark House apartments and the people that will live there – things like toilet paper, towels, and sheets. Check out www.fumcr.com/arkhouse for all the details.

And join us for worship this Sunday in Access as we continue the Jenga series of sermons about how to find balance in the various areas of our lives that often prove so difficult.

I can't wait to worship with you!


P.S. - If you'd like to help with some hands-on hurricane relief, consider joining our work team trip to south Texas on December 27-30. 

Rich Rindfuss
Access Pastor
First United Methodist Church Richardson

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