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Dec 29 | Angel of Refuge Matt. 2: 13-15 |
Julie Klossner |
Dec 24 | Receive! Luke 2:1-7 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Dec 22 | Inviting Luke 2:8-20 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Dec 15 | Reassuring Matthew 1:18-25 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Dec 8 | Surprising Luke 1:26-38 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Dec 1 | Preparing Luke 1:5-17 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Nov 24 | Thank You Notes Philemon 1:1-7 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
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Nov 17 | Everyday Joy Psalm 118: 21-29 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Nov 10 | What Gives God Joy? Luke 15:1-7 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Nov 3 | Service is Joy Psalm 100 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Oct 27 | Joy as a Way of Life Phil. 4:4-9 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Oct 20 | Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit Mark 12: 28-34 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Oct 13 | Balancing the Hard Stuff Ephesians 4:25-5:2 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Oct 6 | Time Well Spent John 4: 5-29 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Sep 29 | What Do You Measure? Luke 19: 1-10 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Sep 22 | Finding the Time Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Sep 15 | Hope in Tough Times Isaiah 43: 1-7 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Sep 8 | Grounded in Hope Romans 5: 1-5 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Sep 1 | Fed by Hope 1 Cor. 11: 23–26 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Aug 25 | Sharing My Faith: How? Acts 1: 6-8 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Aug 18 | Sharing My Faith: Why? Matthew 28: 16-20 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Aug 11 | 8:45 9:45 & 11, Music Makers: The Land of the Lost & Found |
Julie Klossner |
Aug 4 | Daniel & The Lions Den Daniel 6:10-18 Communion Offering: People in Need Fund |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jul 28 | Joseph |
Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason | |
Jul 21 | Josh & the Big Wall |
Rev. Lisa Greenwood | |
Jul 14 | Esther: Called for Such a Time as This Esther 4: 1-6, 11-17 |
Rev. Fred Treviño | |
Jul 7 | David and Goliath Communion Offering: UMCOR One Great Hour of Sharing |
Rev. David Scroggin | |
Jun 30 | Jonah Jonah 1: 1-17 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jun 23 | The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jun 16 | Noah's Ark Genesis 7: 11-16 |
Rev. Rich Rindfuss | |
Jun 9 | Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego Daniel 3:19-26 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Desktop viewing available |
Jun 2 |
Holidays, Parties and Receptions |
Rev. Rodney Whitfield |
May 26 | A Change of Heart James 4: 1-8 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
May 19 | Watch Your Tongue James 3: 1-10 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
May 12 | Dead or Alive James 2: 14-18 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
May 5 | Hearers and Doers James 1: 19-27 Communion Offering: Project Transformation |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Apr 28 | Becoming the Voice Matthew 25: 31-40 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Apr 21 | Responding to the Voice Isaiah 6: 1-8 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Apr 14 | The Sound of the Voice 1 Kings 19: 11-12; Jeremiah 29: 11-13 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Apr 7 | The Power of the Voice Genesis 1: 1-5 Communion Offering: Nueva Vida |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Full Services - Desktop |
Mar 31 | The Resurrection & The Life John 20:11-18, 11:25-26 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Mar 24 | The Way, Truth & Life John 14:1-7 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Mar 17 | The True Vine John 15:1-11 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Mar 10 | The Good Shepherd John 10:11-16 |
Rev. Rich Rindfuss | |
Mar 3 | The Bread of Life John 6:35, 41, 48-51 Communion Offering: Stop Hunger Now and Body & Soul |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Feb 24 | The Gate John 10:7-10 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Feb 17 | The Light of the World John 8:12 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Feb 10 | Good News (Not part of series) Luke 4:14-21 | Rev. Rodney Whitfield | |
Feb 3 | Purpose-Filled Revolution 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Communion Offering: Body & Soul |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |
Jan 27 | Spiritual Revolution Romans 12:1-2 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jan 20 | Happiness Revolution Philippians 4:4-13 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jan 13 | Leadership Revolution Philippians 2:3-8 |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint | |
Jan 6 | Personal Revolution Mark 1:14-15 Communion Offering: PIN (People in Need) Fund |
Dr. Clayton Oliphint |