Youth: Icecreamapalooza

Sunday, September 15, 2013 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location(s): Bartula Family Life Center

Icecreamapalooza is the Annual Fall Kick Off for the Youth Group!  Tons of Ice Cream (eaten out of a LOOOONG rain gutter), CRAZY games and skits make this a HIGH ENERGY and FUN night!  Lot's going on here... so keep your eyes open.  Look for messy faces, smiles and laughes!  The games really are OUT THERE and CRAZY so don't be afraid to get in the action for some good storytelling shots. (In years before games involved actual squids and stuff like that... GROSS... but GREAT PICTURES!)

Location: Bartula Family Life Center
Time: Jr. High starts at 5 and Sr. High starts at 6:30... plan on staying for the whole thing.


Upload photos: http://www.smugmug.com/photos/guest/kCVH7H/icecream