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Adult Ministry

Then Jesus said ... “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Adult Sunday School

We offer a variety of open, on-going groups, each committed to spiritual growth, mission and fellowship, that meet on Sunday mornings at the church.

You are encouraged to visit a number of groups and experience the unique personality that each one offers before choosing a group. Some groups are small, intimate gatherings, while others are larger and more formal. Some are led by the same gifted teacher each week, while others are facilitated by class members, guest speakers or clergy. Some groups are entirely based in Bible study, while others explore contemporary Christian topics.

If you need help getting started please contact , 972.996.0148.

  • Confirmation Connection  •  Parents of 6th Grade/Confirmation Students

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly, Sept-Apr  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Room 214
    Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11)

    The focus of this group is to expose parents to the curriculum the students are learning, understand the Confirmation process, learn more about FUMCR, and discuss how to support and guide 6th graders at this point in their faith journey.

  • Middle Ground  •  Parents in the "middle" of something

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly, Sept-May  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Mays Hall
    Childcare: Yes. Nursery (0-23 mos.) & Sunday school (2 yrs - kinder at 8:45, 2 yrs - 12th grade at 9:45, 2 yrs - 5th grade at 11)

    Most current members have middle/junior high school students, but the class welcomes all parents. Sunday mornings may be youth curriculum, topical discussions infused with biblical application, or simply praying for one another over our joys and concerns. Middle Ground meets during the school year only, beginning on the Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before Memorial Day.

  • Odyssey  •  Couples, ages 20s-30s

    When & Where: Sun  •  Weekly  •  9:45-10:45 am  •  Room 205
    Childcare: Nursery: 0-23 mos. Sunday school: ages 2-5 at 8:45, ages 2-18 at 9:45, ages 2-6 at 11.

    On Sundays, short Biblical video/study series are followed with in depth class discussions over a variety of topics. Outside of class, members meet regularly for social gatherings, local community service, and other activities. A focus on intentional Christian community helps bring balance to the many demands of work and life. 

Events for Adults
Men's Grief Group Coffee

1st Wednesdays, 7-8:30am, Ogden Fellowship Hall

The Gathering

2nd Mondays, Coleman Family Hall

Adult Swing Dance

Wednesdays, Jan 22 - Feb 26, Bartula Family Life Center

Blood Drive

Sun, Jan 26, 8am-12:30pm, FUMCR Parking Lot

Young Adult Fun Night

Tues, Feb 11, 7-9pm, Bartula Family Life Center 1D/1E

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