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Let's Talk: Mental Health

Sun, May 19

Let's Talk openly about mental health in church and how we as United Methodists understand and respond to it. Experts will equip attendees with information and tools to support themselves and others who are struggling with mental health challenges. 


Panel Discussion - Mental Health at All Ages, 9:45 -10:45 am, Coleman Family Hall

Three mental health professionals will address mental health at all ages of life.
• Chelsea Alvarado, LPC and RISD school counselor
• Shauna Barnes, mental health educator and advocate
• Dr. Terry Parsons, therapist and pastor who focuses on adults

Youth Discussion - Myths of Mental Health, 9:45 -10:45 am, Youth Worship Space

Rev. Julia Castleman and Katy Vandruff, LPC will host a conversation with teens (7th - 12th grade) addressing the myths and truths of mental health. 


Parent Presentation & Discussion - Awareness and Understanding of Mental Health in our Kids and Teens, 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Worship & Arts Center 

Rev. Rachel Heyduck, pastor, social worker, and coach, will lead a presentation and conversation for parents around children's and teen's mental health.
*childcare available, birth-Kindergarten
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Children's Activities - Healthy Lives Healthy Minds, 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Education Building

Children in 1st - 6th grade will learn tools and strategies for self-care and self-awareness. Led by Chelsea Alvarado, LPC and RISD school counselor, and Shauna Barnes, mental health educator and advocate.

REGISTER for evening options HERE by May 13

Questions? Email Rev. Sarah Marsalis-Luginbill at

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