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The Journey Youth Choir Kickoff Party

Sun, Aug 21, 4-7 pm

If you are in the 7th-12th grade, get ready to party at the FUMCR YOUTH CHOIR KICKOFF PARTY!

We are celebrating what is sure to be our best year yet! Bring your bathing suit and a towel. We will start in the Fleming Rehearsal Hall in the Music Suite from 4-5 pm. Then our wonderful parents will drive you to the swim party! Come join us for singing, food, fun, fellowship, and swimming!

The Journey Youth Choir (grades 7-12) is open to ALL youth. No audition or choral experience is necessary. Our mission is to deepen our faith and worship experience while leading the congregation in music. We meet every Sunday afternoon from 4-5:15 pm in the Music Suite. In the spring we put on a fantastic musical revue, Dessert Theater, to raise funds for our summer choir tour.

If you love to sing, we want YOU in The Journey Youth Choir!

Questions? Contact Caitlin at

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