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UMYF - Zoo Photo Scavenger Hunt

Sun, Oct 30, 12-4 pm

Join us as we embark on a photo scavenger hunt through the Dallas Zoo. Teams will follow clues and prompts to capture the right and unique photos through out the zoo and be awarded points in real-time by our judges.

We'll meet at the Youth sign-in table in the Bartula Family Life Center at noon and ride together to the zoo.

We'll return in time for students to participate in The Journey Youth Choir rehearsal that afternoon. Students who are not attending choir rehearsal can be picked up near the Orr Music Suite (east parking lot closest to I-75). 

Cost: $25 (cover entry fee and transportation) + money for lunch
Register online Oct 9 - 26 (Spots are limited.)

All students attending need to have a current emergency release form on file. If you have filled one out for Confirmation, Really Living '22 or Whirlyball, you do not need to submit a new form.

Questions? Contact Joel Eichler at or 972.996.0144.

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