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Using the Enneagram for Spiritual Transformation

Feb 7-9, Prothro Center

Join us for a weekend retreat and take a deep dive into your Enneagram number with others. Deepen your love for God as you further your understanding of who you are!

This interactive weekend will push and guide you to observe the ways your ego/personality limits you. You will be given tools to help counteract the strong, mostly unconscious impulses that drive your thoughts, feelings, and actions. The following topics will be covered: motivations, personality patterns and how to address them, childhood patterns, defense mechanisms, instincts and subtypes, using your arrows for growth, and passion/virtue and mental fixation/Holy Idea.

Participants must know their Enneagram number.

Cost: $225 each for dual occupancy, $275 each for single occupancy (limited availability)

Includes: lodging, linens, four meals (Sat breakfast, lunch, dinner; Sun breakfast), and snacks

Register by Feb 4

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