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Thinking About Joining?

12:15 pm, Sunday, December 2
Odgen Fellowship Hall 

Thinking About Joining? is a session for you if you are considering making First UMC Richardson your church home.

Meet Senior Pastor Dr. Clayton Oliphint and enjoy lunch while you learn more about:

  • the history of the United Methodist Church,
  •  the history and people of First UMC Richardson, 
  • the mission and vision we have for the future, and
  • ways you can get involved here at FUMCR.

We recommend that you attend this session so you can get to know the heart of our church as well as understand membership expectations. You will have an opportunity to meet others and ask questions that will help you make informed decisions about your next steps in this community of faith.

If you are be ready to make First UMC Richardson your church home, a membership joining opportunity is offered in the sanctuary at the conclusion of the session.

Lunch is served and childcare is available.

Please register in one of these ways:

or phone, 972-996-0154, to Kristen Ceaser, Inviting & Involving Associate.

Make a childcare reservation by calling 972-996-0120 by noon on the Friday before the event.

If you decide last minute that you want to attend the session, come on Sunday and ask if there is space available in the session. Sometimes we are full, sometimes we still have space!

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