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The Wonderful World of Jesus Discussion Guide

The purpose of these discussion questions is simple yet profound: to deepen our connections, foster meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories together. This tradition is not just about sharing opinions; it's about understanding each other better, learning from different perspectives, and nurturing a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Each week, you're invited to watch a movie, read scripture, and take a few moments to explore some thought-provoking questions together. We want to encourage each of you to participate actively. There are no right or wrong answers, just honest thoughts and feelings that we can all learn from.

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Jump to:  July 14 Frozen  |  July 21 Toy Story  |  July 28 Moana  |  Aug 4 Inside Out

July 7: We Just Can’t Wait to Be King - The Lion King

Read Mark 10:35-45 in your Bible together. Enjoy these family discussion questions after watching the movie and reading the scripture.

What does it mean to be a leader?
Which character in the movie is a leader to you?
How does Jesus tell us to be a leader?

Does being a leader make you more responsible? If so, why?
What are some of the responsibilities the King faces in the movie?
Has there ever been a time when you felt pressure to be responsible for something?

How can we be leaders in Christianity?
Who in your life represents a leader in Christ, and what have you learned from them?
How did the main character lead through the bad and good times in his life? How can we apply this to our life as a Christian?

July 14: Let it Go - Frozen

Read Matthew 6:25-34 in your Bible together. Enjoy these family discussion questions after watching the movie and reading the scripture.

What does it mean to worry?
Which character in the movie worries the most, and what about?
What does Jesus tell us about worrying?

How often do you worry?
Does the movie show what happens if fear runs your life? If so, how?
What does it mean when Jesus uses nature to illustrate how we should live our lives?
What is the difference between being worry-free and carefree? What actions are different?
What are some things in your life that cause you to worry?
Instead of anxiety, what does Jesus tell us to focus on?

How did worry and anxiety affect the characters’ actions? How do they affect our actions?
Has there ever been a time when worry has affected your faith?
What are some habits we can build to help in times when anxiety creeps in?

July 21: You’ve Got a Friend in Me - Toy Story

Read Mark 2:1-12 in your Bible together. Enjoy these family discussion questions after watching the movie and reading the scripture.

What are the most important qualities of a friend?
Where do you see friendship in the movie?
What actions do the friends make in the passage?

Between the two main characters in the movie, what did you learn from their friendship?
Think about all the work it takes to carry a man to a roof. Do you have friends that would do something like that for you? Would you do that for a friend?
What qualities does Jesus have that reflect friendship?
Have you ever thought of Jesus as a best friend?

Jesus saw the man’s friends and their faith. Do you surround yourself with believers like yourself?
How can you incorporate faith into your friendships?
Has there been a time when sacrificing for a friend had a positive impact?

July 28: Here and Now - Moana

Read 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 in your Bible together. Enjoy these family discussion questions after watching the movie and reading the scripture.

In the movie, how did the main character save her island?
What motivated the main character to restore peace?
How does Jesus restore peace in our lives?
What is the Holy Spirit?

How does the Holy Spirit act in our lives? How do you feel its presence?
In the movie, the main character sings about how she feels called. Have you ever felt called to do something?
Is there a place or person in which you feel the Holy Spirit strongly?

The Bible says the power of Jesus’ resurrection lives within us. Have you ever witnessed or experienced a transformation that could only have been from the Spirit?
Do you ever feel compelled to do something but make an excuse not to?
The main character faces many obstacles despite the assurance of her calling. What obstacles do you face that prevent the power of the Spirit from truly working in your life?

August 4: Honor Your Emotions - Inside Out

Read Ephesians 4:25-5:2 in your Bible together. Enjoy these family discussion questions after watching the movie and reading the scripture.

What are the emotions characterized in the movie? Is there one you feel more than the rest?
What does the Bible say about anger?
How does Jesus teach us to resist our anger?

Which emotion do you think Jesus constantly shows?
How can we control negative emotions before our actions happen?
Is being angry a sin? Is acting on anger a sin?
Are there other emotions you experience that are not mentioned in the movie?

What kind of example does Jesus set regarding the relationship between emotion and actions?
How can we get to God in times when joy seems to disappear?
Has there been a time when you acted on an emotion, and nothing good came out of it?

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