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United Women in Faith Spring Unit Meeting

Tue, Apr 12, 11:30 am - 1 pm, Coleman Family Hall

FUMCR United Women in Faith, formerly known as United Methodist Women (UMW), will gather for their Spring Unit Meeting. All women of the church are invited to attend, and guests are welcome!

Bring your own lunch. A light dessert and drinks will be provided.

Our Program
Wendy Campbell of Lovers Lane United Women in Faith will share information about the rescue center being built in Kenya in memory of Jerri Savuto. Jerri and her husband, Bill, were missionaries whom FUMCR supported in the field. Although Jerri passed away several years ago, the impact she made on the women of Kenya is powerful. Jerri’s passion was to protect coming-of-age girls who are/were subjected to forced marriages and FGM (female genital mutilation). You will not want to miss this enlightening and challenging presentation.

About Our Speaker 
Wendy is a communications and marketing consultant. During the pandemic she was the Program Coordinator for the DFW Women’s Business Center. She has worked on the North Texas Conference UMC Communications Team and before that the United Methodist Reporter. Wendy got started in United Methodist Women over 30 years ago as a young mother looking for friends. (And now she is about to become a grandmother in May!) She is passionate about social justice. She has served in leadership at the local, district, and conference levels and is now the president of the Bold Women of Lovers Lane, a unit of United Women in Faith (formally UMW). Wendy grew up in Wichita, KS, graduated from the University of Kansas and then went to Houston to work for AT&T. She and her husband, Jim, moved to Dallas to start their family and have been members at Lovers Lane UMC since 1990. Their two daughters and son-in-law live in the San Francisco Bay area. 

For any questions about this event, email Pam Shamblin at

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