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Gifts, Tithes, Offerings

For over 130 years FUMCR has opened its doors wide to many generations.  Those before us had a vision for a continuous faith community in Richardson. That vision continues.  It is now our turn to be a blessing for generations to come.

We must
     •  allow ministries to grow in 2018
     •  maintain operational costs of facilities
     •  support salaries for clergy and staff
     •  be dedicated to carrying out our mission to WELCOME, GROW, and SERVE our congregation, our community, and the world.  

We are asking for your support for the ministries of FUMCR by making a pledge to the 2018 Operation Budget. Thank you for your faithfulness.


2018 Operating Budget - $6,430,900

     •  Music & Worship - $1,397,600
     •  Welcoming & Discipleship - $808,000
     •  Outreach Ministries - $1,053,000
     •  Family Ministries - $609,900
     •  Building & Grounds - $1,390,600
     •  Administration - $471,800
     •  Debt Service - $700,000

Be a Blessing from Generation to Generation

"Several years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting members from FUMCR when they first partnered at Mark Twain Elementary, which is the school where I teach.  Because of the support of FUMCR our students were able to have experiences they would not have had otherwise.  This past year my daughter and I started attending ACCESS and were moved by God in a way neither of us had felt before.  We have joined this faith community.  ACCESS has changed my life and I feel truly blessed to be a part of FUMCR!"     - Michelle Brashear

     •  3776 new members since moving to our campus in March 2006
     •  302 new members in 2017

“We both grew up in small but very different Methodist churches that played a pivotal role in our development as children and adolescents.  When we started our life together we realized that we would need the help of our church behind us.  Since the birth of our child, we have made sure to involve 
her and ourselves in a strong church community.  FUMCR is that community for us.  While it is larger than our previous churches, FUMCR makes us feel like there are ways to feel personally involved and that the church is invested in us.”     - Brie and Matt Duvall

     •  85 6th grade students in Confirmation classes this year
     •  80 baptisms in 2017 – families proclaiming “we are children of God” 
     •  970 children learning about God through camp experiences
     •  236 adults and youth who have participated in LeadershipFirst

First United Methodist Church Richardson has a covenant relationship with six United Methodist missionaries. A covenant relationship is a financial commitment of $2500 per missionary. They represent work in Liberia, Panama, the Middle East and Mozambique.  These missionaries include a doctor, nurse and pharmacist, minister, a hospital administrator. They work with local communities, clinics, hospitals, and churches, organizing, preaching, healing and advocating for the people they serve.  Their commitment 
is for at least 3 years.  It is a calling that over 300 people have answered to serve as United Methodist missionaries. This is a part of your giving that effects communities around the world.

     •  114 little ones in our community who are offered loving care in our day care center
     •  83 children who do monthly service projects at MISSION POSSIBLE KIDS
     •  159 youth went on work/mission trips this year.
     •  293 children, youth, and adults serve God through music ministry
     •  75 adults went on work camps in South Texas, Louisiana, Africa and Guatemala






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