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The Importance of Your First Bible

9/18/2018  •  Children's Ministry  •  Written by Natalie Nenovich


3rd Grade students in the 9:45am Traditional Service receive their first Bibles from FUMCR on Sunday - September 16, 2018.

My journey with the Bible began when I received my third grade Bible on the steps of a church that I would call my home for many years. For some, holding onto one Bible for their entire life would be their path, however for me it was the beginning of enjoying several editions.

Over the years I have continued to collect them. My parents gave me my next Bible - a children’s edition of the New Testament stories. I went on to pick one up while I was a youth, which would become the Bible I took along to retreats and mission trips. I later would find another that would become a study Bible and help me through some challenging times. My newest edition is a journaling Bible, which I haven’t quite figured out.

With each one I find love and wisdom. Verses jump off the pages to me and inspire me in different ways at different times of my life. We are each different how we use our bibles.  For some, it is reading the words over and over,  while others highlight and make notes in their book. I believe there is no right or wrong way to use this great book. The Bible was written as a guide, as an inspiration, and as wisdom for us to use though out our life.

My favorite things about the day third graders receive their Bibles is to see the excitement and nervousness that they are getting their own copy of this great book. As they stand on those steps in front of everyone, many cannot wait to begin looking through their Bible.  For some, it may be the only one they will ever have.  For others, it will be the beginning of a love for many copies.  But for all of these children, it is a starting point of a great journey through out their life.

I look forward to the month of October when we will teach the students ways to use their Bibles, how to find books and verses, and how they make it their own!


Natalie Nenovich serves as the Associate Director of Children's Ministries on staff at FUMCR.

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