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Do You Hear What I Hear? No, Really?

12/6/2018  •  Children  •  Written by Cheryl Bishop

Our sermon series for Advent, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” has really made me think about how the story of Christ is shared in the world. But specifically, it’s made me really think about how we share the story of Jesus’ birth with children.

Do you see? In order to help them see what we see, we need to be side by side pointing to what it is that we see and helping them find it, focus on it, and learn to point it out to others.

Do you hear? In order for them to hear what we hear, we need to be side by side so that we can help them hear the words and vibrations that make up what they hear, interpret what they are hearing, and take it to heart.

Do you know? In order to help them know what we know, we need to be side by side to share the stories of God’s people and to share our knowledge and our own experiences with faith and scripture.

Pray for peace. In order for them to pray for peace, we need to be side by side helping them know how to pray, when and why to pray, and model prayer in all aspects of faithful living.

He will bring us goodness and light. In order for them to see the goodness and light, we need to be side by side helping them to see the light of Christ and learning how to be the light as they take their learning into a world where the darkness will not overcome the light.

We are at an important point in Children’s Ministries where we are not just seeking Sunday school teachers but we have a critical shortage in teachers on Sunday mornings.

It takes 35 teachers to cover all of the classes on a Sunday morning. In January, some classes will be without teachers. 

They are such a joy to be with and the impact that you have is undeniable. 

We will provide all lesson plans and supplies. We need you to be the presence that draws them closer into relationship with God and with one another.

Please reach out to Rohini Drake (Assistant Director),  or 972-996-0129, to find a place where you will serve. Our children need us to guide them to see, hear, know, pray, and share. Won’t you join us?

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