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And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” - Matthew 25:40

Ark House Communications & Website

Communications tasks:

- Keep the Apartment Guide Notebooks up to date as processes and procedures change for our occupants. Notebook is a 24-page document kept in 21 apartments.
- Produce two newsletters each year that are distributed in print and by email. Transition the distribution to being primarily by email. Newsletter is currently four pages, with most of the content provided by committee members.
- Maintain and update marketing brochures.
- Assist other committee chairs with public relations activities.
- Expand our reach to a larger group through email system to create fundraising opportunities.

Website tasks (as part of or in coordination with Communications):

- Manage Ark House web page hosting.
- Maintain and edit the Wordpress hosted website (if you can use MS Word, you can do this).

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